Teiid 8.13.1 发布了,该版本修复了 15 个问题:
- [TEIID-3748] - Impala translator - SELECT and HAVING statements are translating differently for Case statements
- [TEIID-3949] - Subqueries are wrongly pushed down to the underlying datasource
- [TEIID-3950] - UDFs aren't found when using old function definitions model
- [TEIID-3951] - Stored procedure in view model from SQL server 2000
- [TEIID-3953] - .TeiidRuntimeException: TEIID20001 The modeled datatype string for column 1 doesn't match the runtime type "java.math.BigDecimal".
- [TEIID-3954] - OData 4 procedure/action result set lob handling incorrect
- [TEIID-3956] - Retrieving just a stream property fails for OData4
- [TEIID-3960] - Otherwise evaluatable constructs will inhibit pushdown
- [TEIID-3963] - Arrays returned by actions/functions from odata4 result in errors
- [TEIID-3964] - Cassandra does not account for null values
- [TEIID-3969] - Missing translators in cli scripts
- [TEIID-3971] - Clob.getSubstring(int,int) returns empty or whole string
- [TEIID-3973] - org.teiid.core.TeiidComponentException: TEIID30328 Unable to evaluate COLUMN1: No value was available
- [TEIID-2734] - Add native query support to Cassandra
- [TEIID-3936] - Wildfly kit is missing jboss integration docs
预计下周将发布 Teiid 9.0 Alpha1 版本,关于 9.0 的全新文档请访问: https://teiid.gitbooks.io/documents/content/