SmartGit 8 RC 1 发布了,SmartGit 是一个 Git 版本控制系统的图形化客户端程序。
新特性 & 提升
- Git:
- Journal: - detached HEAD commits show up in gray
- Refresh: ability to dismiss warning about absolute submodule paths
- Hg:
- VM property "smartgit.hg.executable.maxVersion" to force SmartGit accept
more recent versions
- SVN:
- VM property "smartgit.svn.enableGitFlow" to enable Git-Flow for SVN
- Compare: - added tab indents/shift+tab unindents if text across multiple
lines is selected
- optional daily ping of customizable URL, e.g. to verify the actual user
count, by defining the VM options smartgit.license.serverPing.url and
Bugs 修复
- Git:
- Journal:
- possible unnecessary column swap of ahead and behind
- curvy layout
- commit not considered mergable for some layouts
- Show Additional Branch popup menu was unsorted
- Refresh:
- possible false-positive "The submodule at ... has an error-prone admin
area configuration" warning if paths differ only in case
- GUI:
- Tree control: internal error expanding parent-nodes with single-child nodes
that automatically expand
- Search Repositories: OK was not enabled after manual search
- Conflict Solver configuration: titles patterns were rejected
- Table, e.g. in Journal: double-clicks were triggered even for non-left
mouse buttons