PostgreSQL 发布了全系安全更新版本,包括:9.5.1, 9.4.6, 9.3.11, 9.2.15, 和 9.1.20。这些安全漏洞设计正则表达式 CVE-2016-0773 和 PL/Java CVE-2016-0766。
Fix many issues in pg_dump with specific object types
Prevent over-eager pushdown of HAVING clauses for GROUPING SETS
Fix deparsing error with ON CONFLICT ... WHERE clauses
Fix tableoid errors for postgres_fdw
Prevent floating-point exceptions in pgbench
Make \det search Foreign Table names consistently
Fix quoting of domain constraint names in pg_dump
Prevent putting expanded objects into Const nodes
Allow compile of PL/Java on Windows
Fix "unresolved symbol" errors in PL/Python execution
Allow Python2 and Python3 to be used in the same database
Add support for Python 3.5 in PL/Python
Fix issue with subdirectory creation during initdb
Make pg_ctl report status correctly on Windows
Suppress confusing error when using pg_receivexlog with older servers
Multiple documentation corrections and additions
Fix erroneous hash calculations in gin_extract_jsonb_path()