Crate 0.55.3 发布。Crate Data 是一个开源的大规模的可伸缩的数据存储系统,无需任何系统管理需求。提供强大的搜索功能。用于存储各种表格数据、非结构化数据和二进制对象。并可通过 SQL 进行检索。易于安装和使用,支持高可用性和实时大规模并行访问和处理。Crate 特别适合用于 Docker 环境中。
- Fixed an issue which prevents java client from running explain
- Fixed an issue which caused `current_timestamp` as part of a generated
expression to not work correctly.
This fix will only affect new tables. Tables which already contain a
generated column which uses `current_timestamp` will need to be recreated.
- Improved error handling when grouping by invalid data types.
- Fixed an issue when ordering by a function on a joined query.
- Fixed an issue which could lead to wrong Error messages due to a
race condition.
- Fix: Arrays of geo_point can be used in insert/update
statements as literals as well as bind arguments.
- Fixed a read isolation issue which could cause joins involving
system and blob tables to return inconsistent results.
- On Hunspell dictionary configuration, the parameter
indices.analysis.hunspell.dictionary.location has been removed and <path.conf>/hunspell i
s always used.
- Fixed a bug that prevented join and sort on blob tables.
- Adapted behaviour of stats.enabled, stats.jobs_log_size and stats.operations_log_size settings
to match behaviour of other cluster wide settings like for example minimum_master_nodes.
- Fix: Do not fetch table stats when node is not fully available yet.
This could have led to NullPointerExceptions during long recovery
process on node start.
- Fixed an issue which prevented running join queries on empty partitioned
- Fix: the ``hostname`` column of the ``sys.nodes`` table returns a hostname
instead of an IP address.
- Fixed an issue that caused select statements to get stuck if used as part of
a bulk request. Now a proper error is raised.
- Updated Elasticsearch to 2.3.4
- Fix: the ``within`` scalar function now allows querying geo_shapes within