SonarQube Java 4.1发布了。Sonar (SonarQube)是一个开源平台,用于管理源代码的质量。Sonar 不只是一个质量数据报告工具,更是代码质量管理平台。支持的语言包括:Java、PHP、C#、C、Cobol、PL/SQL、Flex 等。SonarQube Java 是Sonar的一个插件,用来分析 Java 代码。
Unit tests should throw exceptions (Code Smell, clumsy, tests)
Value-based objects should not be serialized (Bug, java8, serialization)
Private fields only used as local variables in methods should become local variables (Code Smell, pitfall)
JDK 9 中 code smell 的示例:“null” should not be used with “Optional” (Bug, java8)
JDK 9 中的 bug 示例:Zero should not be a possible denominator (Bug, cert, cwe, denial-of-service)
JDK 9 中的 issues 示例:Optional value should only be accessed after calling isPresent() (Bug, cwe)
JDK 9 中的 bug 示例:
[SONARJAVA-1775] - Thrown exceptions should be correctly computed on method types
[SONARJAVA-1780] - Status of Object Constraint is lost on null check
[SONARJAVA-1797] - AVLTree: fix handling of collisions of hash codes, get rid of integer overflow
[SONARJAVA-1753] - FP on S2386 for public static final empty arrays
[SONARJAVA-1757] - FP on S1118: when on a serializable class
[SONARJAVA-1422] - Improving try-catch flow of instruction
[SONARJAVA-1591] - Emulating try-catch with a branch to the exception path at first is incorrect
[SONARJAVA-1770] - S1172 UnusedParameters FN : if method is annotated with @SuppressWarnings with known suppressions
[SONARJAVA-1777] - Rule UndocumentedAPI: update default parameter value
[SONARJAVA-1779] - Put "case" expression into CFG
[SONARJAVA-1782] - S2068 should detect string constant used in API
[SONARJAVA-372] - Rule S1450: Private fields used only as local variables in methods should become local variables
[SONARJAVA-520] - Rule S1942: Simple class names should be used
[SONARJAVA-1750] - Rule S3658: Unit test should throw exception instead of failing in a catch block
[SONARJAVA-1758] - Rule S3437: Value-based classes should not be serialized
[SONARJAVA-1759] - Rule S2789: "null" should not be used with "Optional"
[SONARJAVA-1760] - Add firstToken() and lastToken() methods to the Tree API
[SONARJAVA-1762] - Rule S3518: Zero should not be a possible denominator
[SONARJAVA-1767] - Rule S3655: Optional value should only be accessed after calling isPresent()
[SONARJAVA-1771] - Deprecate Unused protected methods check
[SONARJAVA-1774] - Deprecate Architectural Constraint Rule Template
[SONARJAVA-1784] - Deprecate getMethodComplexityNodes in JavaFileScannerContext
[SONARJAVA-1790] - Update rule descriptions to RSPECs
[SONARJAVA-1799] - Upgrade to OSS parent pom 36