Keycloak 2.1.0.CR1 发布了,Keycloak 是一个为浏览器和 RESTful Web 服务提供 SSO 的集成。基于 OAuth 2.0 和 JSON Web Token(JWT) 规范。最开始是面向 JBoss 和 Wildfly 通讯,但已经计划为其他诸如 Tomcat、Jetty、Node.js、Rails、Grails 等环境提供解决方案。
Password Policy SPI - Now it's possible to plug your own implementation of password policy. This is useful if available builtin policies are not sufficient for you.
Jetty 9.3 adapter - Allow you to secure your applications deployed on Jetty 9.3 server.
Authorization fixes & improvements - There are lots of fixes and improvements in authorization services, which were recently added in 2.0 release. It really worth to check this out and eventually provide us some feedback.
Better OpenID Connect interoperability - There are lots of minor fixes related to OpenID Connect support.