Spring Framework 4.3.2 和 5.0.0.M1 发布了,详情:Change Log
Spring Framework 4.3.2 更新如下:
[SPR-10343] - ConfigurationClassParser needs to load annotations through source class loader
[SPR-14425] - HibernateTemplate not binary-compatible with Hibernate 5.0/5.1's Query type
[SPR-14444] - SSE: Terminating chunk not sent using tomcat >= 8.0.35
[SPR-14445] - NoOpCacheManager and @Cacheable(sync=true)
[SPR-14447] - Regression: TestContextManager no longer tracks after-class exception with log level lower than WARN
[SPR-14453] - MethodBasedEvaluationContext.lazyLoadArguments() execution fails for empty variable arguments call
[SPR-14457] - Flush exception translation not working anymore with Hibernate 5.2
[SPR-14461] - MultipartResolutionDelegate in Servlet 2.5 environments not working correctly
[SPR-14462] - CronSequenceGenerator causes StackOverflowError with reversed range values
[SPR-14465] - Ineffective synchronization in StandardTypeConverter constructor
[SPR-14468] - MessageHeaderAccessor doesn't remove headers if they are null
[SPR-14470] - Jackson 2.6.x -> 2.7 deserialize generic fails when calling Spring controller
[SPR-14474] - NPE while try to use abstract beans with optional properties
[SPR-14478] - Mis-proxying of Mockito mock and poor diagnostics for type mismatch on proxy injection
[SPR-14500] - ResourcePatternUtils.getResourcePatternResolver does not accept null arg
[SPR-14509] - LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap doesn't override HashMap.clone()
[SPR-14511] - Transaction manager bean in TransactionInterceptor retained after JUnit test class completes
[SPR-14517] - Do not fail with a circular @Import error caused by an @ComponentScan
[SPR-14427] - When I try to acquire MD5 using DigestUtils, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError occurs.
[SPR-14433] - Avoid canonicalName call for already-seen bean name
[SPR-14436] - Add PathEditor to enable conversion to java.nio.file.Path
[SPR-14437] - AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor does not honour @AliasFor
[SPR-14452] - @RequestMapping consumes/produces InvalidMediaTypeException should mention offending class & method
[SPR-14454] - UrlPathHelper in PathExtensionContentNegotiationStrategy should be configurable
[SPR-14455] - Hibernate5 LocalSessionFactoryBean does not translate javax.persistence exceptions
[SPR-14456] - Missing tests for async request handling with StreamingResponseBody
[SPR-14476] - Workaround for Hibernate bug: setCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver not respected
[SPR-14479] - Avoid dependency on WebUtils for extracting file extension
[SPR-14487] - SerializableTypeWrapper should reobtain type accessors from declaring interface
[SPR-14489] - GenericSqlQuery configured with RowMapper instance
[SPR-14501] - DataSource adapters should expose setCatalog/setSchema next to setUsername/setPassword
[SPR-14504] - Non-helpful NoSuchBeanDefinitionException rather than BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException due to creation order
[SPR-14506] - HeaderContentNegotiationStrategy does not support multiple Accept headers
[SPR-14516] - Cache limit for destination cache in SimpleBrokerMessageHandler can't be altered
[SPR-14518] - Avoid JNDI property lookup attempts for invalid JNDI keys
[SPR-10423] - Upgrade JiBX (and BCEL) towards support of 1.8 bytecode level
[SPR-14460] - Documentation still favoring velocity but it is deprecated in 4.3
[SPR-14157] - Reactive encoding and decoding of XML
[SPR-14158] - Reactive encoding and decoding of JSON with Jackson
Spring Framework 5.0.0.M1 发布了:
[SPR-10343] - ConfigurationClassParser needs to load annotations through source class loader
[SPR-14425] - HibernateTemplate not binary-compatible with Hibernate 5.0/5.1's Query type
[SPR-14444] - SSE: Terminating chunk not sent using tomcat >= 8.0.35
[SPR-14445] - NoOpCacheManager and @Cacheable(sync=true)
[SPR-14447] - Regression: TestContextManager no longer tracks after-class exception with log level lower than WARN
[SPR-14453] - MethodBasedEvaluationContext.lazyLoadArguments() execution fails for empty variable arguments call
[SPR-14457] - Flush exception translation not working anymore with Hibernate 5.2
[SPR-14462] - CronSequenceGenerator causes StackOverflowError with reversed range values
[SPR-14465] - Ineffective synchronization in StandardTypeConverter constructor
[SPR-14466] - Misleading exception message for invalid MethodParameter instance
[SPR-14468] - MessageHeaderAccessor doesn't remove headers if they are null
[SPR-14470] - Jackson 2.6.x -> 2.7 deserialize generic fails when calling Spring controller
[SPR-14474] - NPE while try to use abstract beans with optional properties
[SPR-14477] - ReactorClientHttpConnector assumes that URI.port is valid
[SPR-14478] - Mis-proxying of Mockito mock and poor diagnostics for type mismatch on proxy injection
[SPR-14500] - ResourcePatternUtils.getResourcePatternResolver does not accept null arg
[SPR-14509] - LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap doesn't override HashMap.clone()
[SPR-14511] - Transaction manager bean in TransactionInterceptor retained after JUnit test class completes
[SPR-14517] - Do not fail with a circular @Import error caused by an @ComponentScan
[SPR-13456] - Validate method parameter index via Java 8 Method.getParameterCount()
[SPR-13810] - Better synchronization in ConcurrentMapCache
[SPR-14043] - XMLUnit 2.x support
[SPR-14055] - Introduce support for creating a MethodParameter from a Java 8 Parameter
[SPR-14427] - When I try to acquire MD5 using DigestUtils, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError occurs.
[SPR-14433] - Avoid canonicalName call for already-seen bean name
[SPR-14436] - Add PathEditor to enable conversion to java.nio.file.Path
[SPR-14437] - AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor does not honour @AliasFor
[SPR-14450] - Introduce Supplier<String> message support in org.springframework.util.Assert
[SPR-14452] - @RequestMapping consumes/produces InvalidMediaTypeException should mention offending class & method
[SPR-14454] - UrlPathHelper in PathExtensionContentNegotiationStrategy should be configurable
[SPR-14455] - Hibernate5 LocalSessionFactoryBean does not translate javax.persistence exceptions
[SPR-14456] - Missing tests for async request handling with StreamingResponseBody
[SPR-14459] - Support suppressed exceptions in the TestContext framework
[SPR-14467] - Comprehensive Servlet 3.1 support in spring-web and spring-test
[SPR-14476] - Workaround for Hibernate bug: setCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver not respected
[SPR-14479] - Avoid dependency on WebUtils for extracting file extension
[SPR-14484] - Resource.isFile() and JAF MediaTypeFactory
[SPR-14485] - Drop mock.staticmock package from spring-aspects
[SPR-14486] - Avoid deprecated Class.newInstance in favor of constructor-based instantiation
[SPR-14487] - SerializableTypeWrapper should reobtain type accessors from declaring interface
[SPR-14489] - GenericSqlQuery configured with RowMapper instance
[SPR-14492] - Revise encoding steps towards use of JDK Charset and StandardCharsets
[SPR-14501] - DataSource adapters should expose setCatalog/setSchema next to setUsername/setPassword
[SPR-14504] - Non-helpful NoSuchBeanDefinitionException rather than BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException due to creation order
[SPR-14506] - HeaderContentNegotiationStrategy does not support multiple Accept headers
[SPR-14516] - Cache limit for destination cache in SimpleBrokerMessageHandler can't be altered
[SPR-14518] - Avoid JNDI property lookup attempts for invalid JNDI keys
New Feature
[SPR-4365] - Introduce before/after test execution callbacks in the TestContext framework
[SPR-13575] - Introduce support for JUnit 5 in the TestContext framework
[SPR-13589] - ProtobufHttpMessageConverter support for protobuf 3.0.0-beta4
[SPR-14152] - Reactive client and server HTTP adapters
[SPR-14153] - Reactive server web support
[SPR-14154] - Reactive Web client
[SPR-14155] - ByteBuffer abstraction
[SPR-14156] - Reactive serialization & deserialization
[SPR-14159] - Composition adapters for Reactive Streams
[SPR-14160] - HTTP cookie abstraction
[SPR-14161] - Reactive web module
[SPR-14432] - Core Spring interfaces declared with Java 8 default methods and @FunctionalInterface markers
[SPR-13189] - Drop Servlet 2.5 runtime compatibility
[SPR-13229] - Remove Tiles 2 support
[SPR-13294] - Drop JasperReports support
[SPR-13515] - Remove AbstractJpaTests and revise spring-orm test suite accordingly
[SPR-13795] - Remove Velocity support
[SPR-13796] - Remove XMLBeans support
[SPR-13797] - Drop Guava caching - superseded by Caffeine
[SPR-13827] - Remove native support for Hibernate 3.6 and 4.x
[SPR-14129] - Drop Portlet MVC support
[SPR-14130] - Drop JDO support
[SPR-14426] - Drop native OpenJPA support
[SPR-14429] - Drop deprecated dependencies on Log4j, JRuby, JExcel, Burlap, Commons Pool/DBCP
[SPR-10423] - Upgrade JiBX (and BCEL) towards support of 1.8 bytecode level
[SPR-11569] - Switch source encoding to UTF-8 and enforce it in the build
[SPR-13188] - Upgrade framework codebase to JDK 8+
[SPR-13344] - Compatibility with merged JDK 9 mainline
[SPR-13481] - Upgrade to JPA 2.1+ and Bean Validation 1.1+
[SPR-13495] - Require Undertow 1.3.5+, Tyrus 1.11+, Jetty 9.3+, Tomcat 8.5+
[SPR-13499] - Streamline XML namespace support towards unversioned schemas
[SPR-13793] - Upgrade to JMS 2.0+
[SPR-13794] - Require EhCache 2.10+ / 3.0 GA
[SPR-13826] - Raise JDBC driver feature baseline to JDBC 4.0+
[SPR-14122] - Initial compatibility with Undertow 2.0
[SPR-14344] - Deprecate OkHttp 2.x support
[SPR-14362] - Upgrade build to Gradle 2.14.1
[SPR-14431] - Introduce log4j 2 for Spring's test suite
[SPR-14449] - Move "What's New" reference manual chapter to the wiki
[SPR-14497] - Add documentation on web reactive support