SonarQube C# 5.3.2 发布了,Sonar (SonarQube)是一个开源平台,用于管理源代码的质量。Sonar 不只是一个质量数据报告工具,更是代码质量管理平台。支持的语言包括:Java、PHP、C#、C、Cobol、PL/SQL、Flex 等。
该版本主要修复:[SONARCS-608] - NPE if there are no locations in SARIF report
Easy analysis of any existing Visual Studio Solution or MSBuild project with help of the SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild - developed jointly with Microsoft
Native integration with any existing build in TFS or VSTS
Native support of SonarLint for Visual Studio and its 150+ rules
Native FxCop support
Supports multi-language .NET solution mixing C# and VB.NET