Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.5.6 发布了,Apache Jackrabbit 是由 Apache Foundation 提供的 JSR-170 的开放源码实现。
Technical task
[OAK-4200] - [BlobGC] Improve collection times of blobs available
[OAK-4477] - RDBDatasourceFactory should use pool config similar
to sling datasource defaults
[OAK-4539] - Calculate children cache entry on commit
[OAK-4554] - RDBBlobStoreTest should use RDBDatasourceWrapper
[OAK-4557] - RDBPreparedStatementWrapper: do not hide
implementation bugs
[OAK-4559] - RDB*Store: failures with Tomcat JDBC pool's
StatementCache interceptor
[OAK-4562] - BasicDocumentStore max id test might return
misleading results
[OAK-4518] - ConcurrentAddReferenceTest fails occasionally
[OAK-4532] - race-condition in commit-rate-limiter
[OAK-4544] - Fix failing test
[OAK-4548] - SegmentDataStoreBlobGCIT failures
[OAK-4552] - Checkpoints.getOldestRevisionToKeep() returns newest
valid revision
[OAK-4565] - S3Backend fails to upload large metadata records
[OAK-4568] - JournalEntry.applyTo() creates complete change tree
in memory
[OAK-4571] - consolidated listener stats confuses
cluster-external/local flags
[OAK-4572] - Overflow to disk threshold too high
[OAK-4512] - Detect and log commits to the read-only stores
[OAK-4528] - diff calculation in DocumentNodeStore should try to
re-use journal info on diff cache miss
[OAK-4533] - make DELAY_THRESHOLD & MAX_DELAY of ChangeProcessor
[OAK-4534] - add trace logging to CommitRateLimiter
[OAK-4540] - Cache update blocks new commits
[OAK-4542] - PerfLogger should also allow a threshold to log at
[OAK-4545] - Configurable maxBackOffMillis
[OAK-4553] - Retain journal entries for valid checkpoints
[OAK-4556] - Track branch on newBranchCommit()
[OAK-4563] - Specify thread pool name which should be used by
Async Indexing task
[OAK-4564] - Use Lucene index to look for long-named nodes in JCR2
[OAK-4567] - Define oak:Resource nodetype as non referenceable
alternative to nt:resource
[OAK-4569] - Clean-up the oak-upgrade dependencies
[OAK-4573] - S3 fetching record leads to multiple calls and
background download
[OAK-4574] - [BlobGC] Remove adding of paths in file maintained
for blob references
[OAK-4578] - Clarify weight related methods/parameters/arguments
of the LIRS cache
[OAK-3211] - Document External Identity Management
[OAK-4551] - Update Oak to Jackrabbit 2.13.1