Apache Traffic Server 6.2.0 发布了,Traffic Server 是一套快速、模块化的兼容 HTTP/1.1 的反向代理服务器,与 Nginx 和 Squid 类似,目前该项目已经转到 Apache 基金会。
Traffic Server设计的思想是将一个大系统划分为若干个小的子系统,每个子系统负责专门的任务或应用。比如,Event子系统负责提供任务调度服务,Net子 系统负责提供网络服务。每个子系统抽象为一个Processor,如图1所示。这种高内聚低耦合的设计原则使系统具有更好的重用性,维护性和扩展性。例 如,如果hostDBProcessor需要进行DNS解析,可以直接调用dnsProcessor的相关函数,而无需关注DNS解析的细 节;dnsProcessor也只需封装DNS请求和解析DNS应答,和网络相关的功能可以调用netProcessor来完成。
XML statistics can now be replaced with a Lua implementation instead. See proxy.config.stats.enable_lua below.
We have added a multi origin hierarchy to parent selection which lets you treat parent proxies as if there were origin servers, or origin servers as if they were parent proxies. See the "parent_is_proxy" option in parent.config.
Parent selection now also supports failover retries, where you can retry requests against a different parent in case the parent is unavailable or does not have the desired content. See the "parent_retry" option in parent.config.
There are some better instrumentation for memory debugging, including running with Address Sanitizer, and OpenSSL.
Some changes have been made to the HostDB data structures. The defaults configurations that ships with ATS v6.x still works, but if you have made changes to either of these configurations, you might have to modify them. Specifically, you might have to either reduce the number of entries supported, or, increase the storage size.
There's a new CPP API plugin for converting image formats to the webp format.
There's a collapsed forwarding plugin in the experimental tree, this can help mitigate thundering herd issues in some cases.
The beginning of an ACME (LetsEncrypt) plugin is in the source tree, but it needs more work to be complete. Volunteers are welcome!