GitLab 8.10 发布了,更新如下:
- Fix profile activity heatmap to show correct day name (eanplatter)
- Speed up ExternalWikiHelper#get_project_wiki_path
- Expose {should,force}_remove_source_branch (Ben Boeckel)
- Add the functionality to be able to rename a file. !5049
- Disable PostgreSQL statement timeout during migrations
- Fix projects dropdown loading performance with a simplified api cal. !5113
- Fix commit builds API, return all builds for all pipelines for given commit. !4849
- Replace Haml with Hamlit to make view rendering faster. !3666
- Refresh the branch cache after `git gc` runs
- Allow to disable request access button on projects/groups
- Refactor repository paths handling to allow multiple git mount points
- Optimize system note visibility checking by memoizing the visible reference count. !5070
- Add Application Setting to configure default Repository Path for new projects
- Delete award emoji when deleting a user
- Remove pinTo from Flash and make inline flash messages look nicer. !4854 (winniehell)
- Add an API for downloading latest successful build from a particular branch or tag. !5347
- Avoid data-integrity issue when cleaning up repository archive cache.
- Add link to profile to commit avatar. !5163 (winniehell)
- Wrap code blocks on Activies and Todos page. !4783 (winniehell)
- Align flash messages with left side of page content. !4959 (winniehell)
- Display tooltip for "Copy to Clipboard" button. !5164 (winniehell)
- Use default cursor for table header of project files. !5165 (winniehell)
- Store when and yaml variables in builds table
- Display last commit of deleted branch in push events. !4699 (winniehell)
- Escape file extension when parsing search results. !5141 (winniehell)
- Add "passing with warnings" to the merge request pipeline possible statuses, this happens when builds that allow failures have failed. !5004
- Add image border in Markdown preview. !5162 (winniehell)
- Apply the trusted_proxies config to the rack request object for use with rack_attack
- Added the ability to block sign ups using a domain blacklist. !5259
- Upgrade to Rails 4.2.7. !5236
- Extend exposed environment variables for CI builds
- Deprecate APIs "projects/:id/keys/...". Use "projects/:id/deploy_keys/..." instead
- Add API "deploy_keys" for admins to get all deploy keys
- Allow to pull code with deploy key from public projects
- Use limit parameter rather than hardcoded value in `ldap:check` rake task (Mike Ricketts)
- Add Sidekiq queue duration to transaction metrics.
- Add a new column `artifacts_size` to table `ci_builds`. !4964
- Let Workhorse serve format-patch diffs
- Display tooltip for mentioned users and groups. !5261 (winniehell)
- Allow build email service to be tested
- Added day name to contribution calendar tooltips
- Refactor user authorization check for a single project to avoid querying all user projects
- Make images fit to the size of the viewport. !4810
- Fix check for New Branch button on Issue page. !4630 (winniehell)
- Fix GFM autocomplete not working on wiki pages
- Fixed enter key not triggering click on first row when searching in a dropdown
- Fix MR-auto-close text added to description. !4836
- Support U2F devices in Firefox. !5177
- Fix issue, preventing users w/o push access to sort tags. !5105 (redetection)
- Add Spring EmojiOne updates.
- Added Rake task for tracking deployments. !5320
- Fix fetching LFS objects for private CI projects
- Add the new 2016 Emoji! Adds 72 new emoji including bacon, facepalm, and selfie. !5237
- Add syntax for multiline blockquote using `>>>` fence. !3954
- Fix viewing notification settings when a project is pending deletion
- Updated compare dropdown menus to use GL dropdown
- Redirects back to issue after clicking login link
- Eager load award emoji on notes
- Allow to define manual actions/builds on Pipelines and Environments
- Fix pagination when sorting by columns with lots of ties (like priority)
- The Markdown reference parsers now re-use query results to prevent running the same queries multiple times. !5020
- Updated project header design
- Issuable collapsed assignee tooltip is now the users name
- Fix compare view not changing code view rendering style
- Exclude email check from the standard health check
- Updated layout for Projects, Groups, Users on Admin area. !4424
- Fix changing issue state columns in milestone view
- Update health_check gem to version 2.1.0
- Add notification settings dropdown for groups
- Render inline diffs for multiple changed lines following eachother
- Wildcards for protected branches. !4665
- Allow importing from Github using Personal Access Tokens. (Eric K Idema)
- API: Expose `due_date` for issues (Robert Schilling)
- API: Todos. !3188 (Robert Schilling)
- API: Expose shared groups for projects and shared projects for groups. !5050 (Robert Schilling)
- API: Expose `developers_can_push` and `developers_can_merge` for branches. !5208 (Robert Schilling)
- Update to gitlab_git 10.4.1 and take advantage of preserved Ref objects
- Add "Enabled Git access protocols" to Application Settings
- Diffs will create button/diff form on demand no on server side
- Reduce size of HTML used by diff comment forms
- Protected branches have a "Developers can Merge" setting. !4892 (original implementation by Mathias Vestergaard)
- Fix user creation with stronger minimum password requirements. !4054 (nathan-pmt)
- Only show New Snippet button to users that can create snippets.
- PipelinesFinder uses git cache data
- Track a user who created a pipeline
- Actually render old and new sections of parallel diff next to each other
- Throttle the update of `project.pushes_since_gc` to 1 minute.
- Allow expanding and collapsing files in diff view. !4990
- Collapse large diffs by default (!4990)
- Fix mentioned users list on diff notes
- Add support for inline videos in GitLab Flavored Markdown. !5215 (original implementation by Eric Hayes)
- Fix creation of deployment on build that is retried, redeployed or rollback
- Don't parse Rinku returned value to DocFragment when it didn't change the original html string.
- Check for conflicts with existing Project's wiki path when creating a new project.
- Show last push widget in upstream after push to fork
- Fix stage status shown for pipelines
- Cache todos pending/done dashboard query counts.
- Don't instantiate a git tree on Projects show default view
- Bump Rinku to 2.0.0
- Remove unused front-end variable -> default_issues_tracker
- ObjectRenderer retrieve renderer content using Rails.cache.read_multi
- Better caching of git calls on ProjectsController#show.
- Avoid to retrieve MR closes_issues as much as possible.
- Hide project name in project activities. !5068 (winniehell)
- Add API endpoint for a group issues. !4520 (mahcsig)
- Add Bugzilla integration. !4930 (iamtjg)
- Fix new snippet style bug (elliotec)
- Instrument Rinku usage
- Be explicit to define merge request discussion variables
- Metrics for Rouge::Plugins::Redcarpet and Rouge::Formatters::HTMLGitlab
- RailsCache metris now includes fetch_hit/fetch_miss and read_hit/read_miss info.
- Allow [ci skip] to be in any case and allow [skip ci]. !4785 (simon_w)
- Set import_url validation to be more strict
- Memoize MR merged/closed events retrieval
- Don't render discussion notes when requesting diff tab through AJAX
- Add basic system information like memory and disk usage to the admin panel
- Don't garbage collect commits that have related DB records like comments
- Allow to setup event by channel on slack service
- More descriptive message for git hooks and file locks
- Aliases of award emoji should be stored as original name. !5060 (dixpac)
- Handle custom Git hook result in GitLab UI
- Allow to access Container Registry for Public and Internal projects
- Allow '?', or '&' for label names
- Support redirected blobs for Container Registry integration
- Fix importer for GitHub Pull Requests when a branch was reused across Pull Requests
- Add date when user joined the team on the member page
- Fix 404 redirect after validation fails importing a GitLab project
- Added setting to set new users by default as external. !4545 (Dravere)
- Add min value for project limit field on user's form. !3622 (jastkand)
- Reset project pushes_since_gc when we enqueue the git gc call
- Add reminder to not paste private SSH keys. !4399 (Ingo Blechschmidt)
- Collapsed diffs lines/size don't acumulate to overflow diffs.
- Remove duplicate `description` field in `MergeRequest` entities (Ben Boeckel)
- Style of import project buttons were fixed in the new project page. !5183 (rdemirbay)
- Fix GitHub client requests when rate limit is disabled
- Optimistic locking for Issues and Merge Requests (Title and description overriding prevention)
- Redesign Builds and Pipelines pages
- Change status color and icon for running builds
- Fix commenting issue in side by side diff view for unchanged lines
- Fix markdown rendering for: consecutive labels references, label references that begin with a digit or contains `.`
- Project export filename now includes the project and namespace path
- Fix last update timestamp on issues not preserved on and project imports
- Fix issues importing projects from EE to CE
- Fix creating group with space in group path
- Improve cron_jobs loading error messages. !5318 / !5360
- Prevent toggling sidebar when clipboard icon clicked
- Create Todos for Issue author when assign or mention himself (Katarzyna Kobierska)
- Limit the number of retries on error to 3 for exporting projects
- Allow empty repositories on project import/export
- Render only commit message title in builds (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Allow bulk (un)subscription from issues in issue index
- Fix MR diff encoding issues exporting GitLab projects
- Move builds settings out of project settings and rename Pipelines
- Add builds badge to Pipelines settings page
- Export and import avatar as part of project import/export
- Fix migration corrupting import data for old version upgrades
- Show tooltip on GitLab export link in new project page