cURL 7.50.0 发布了,cURL是一款著名的字符界面下的下载工具,支持HTTP、HTTPS、FTP、FTPS、DICT、TELNET、LDAP、FILE,和GOPHER。 此外还具有cookies支持、断点续传、FTP上传、密码支持、SSL支持和代理支持等特性。curl同时还提供了一套libcurl的库,开发者可以 基于这个库开发其他下载工具。
checksrc: Add LoadLibrary to the banned functions list
configure: occasional ignorance of --enable-symbol-hiding with GCC
http2: test17xx are the first real HTTP/2 tests
resolve: add support for IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks on OS X + iOS
openssl: use more 'const' to fix build warnings with 1.1.0 branch
vtls: Only call add/getsession if session id is enabled
curl_global_init.3: expand on the SSL and WIN32 bits purpose
vauth: Fixed memory leak due to function returning without free
winbuild: fix embedded manifest option