RubyMine 2016.2 发布了,本次发布主要增强对 Ruby, YAML, RSpec等的支持。具体如下:
Frozen objects inspection highlights immutable strings as well as any other frozen objects when modified.
Rbenv gemsets support improvements include a new inspection with a quick-fix option available for .rbenv-gemsets and .ruby-gemset files; any nonexistent gemset is highlighted and can be created on the fly.
YAML language injection makes possible language-specific code highlighting, completion, formatting, and more.
New refactoring for RSpec tests extracts a code fragment into a new let statement and then replaces all duplicate code fragments.
Capybara better support allow you to run and debug not only whole feature specs, but single scenarios as well.
Support for the upcoming TypeScript 2.0 features.
Improvements in React support: coding assistance for component properties defined using PropTypes, support for non-DOM attributes and lifecycle methods.
The collection of Angular 2 code snippets. Also, the Project Wizard now supports Angular CLI.
New intentions for upgrading to ECMAScript 6: Convert to arrow function and Convert to const or let.
User Interface
Support for monospace font ligatures can be enabled with Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | Font –> Enable font ligatures option.
Background images give your IDE a custom look with a new action called Set Background Image. Choose a custom background for your editor and IDE frame.
Better ergonomics – the Inspection Results tool window has been redesigned; we have also reworked the way RubyMine displays notifications.
Integrated Tools
VCS improvements – improvements in working with VCS patches; better Log viewer for Git and Mercurial; unversioned files in Commit dialog; and case-only rename in Git for Windows and OS X.
Database tools new features – auto-scroll from Editor in the Database tool window; more context-aware SQL code completion; completion for column values in Table Editor; and more.
Markdown plugin is now bundled by default.