SonarQube PL/SQL 2.8 发布,主要更新如下:
更多内容请看: release notes ;产品文档:product page
SonarQube Python 1.6发布,所有最新的Python语法功能现在支持:
[SONARPY-101] - Analysis breaks when importing a coverage report containing windows paths and zero coverage switched on
[SONARPY-122] - Parsing error when using "*" in function parameter list
[SONARPY-138] - NPE in NeedlessPassCheck when "pass" is not nested
[SONARPY-150] - FP ExitHasBadArgumentsCheck: parameter with "*"
[SONARPY-124] - Add a warning in the log when coverage report is not found
[SONARPY-125] - Handle absolute path for coverage report path properties
[SONARPY-130] - False positive S2325: method raises NotImplementedError
[SONARPY-134] - Change the default mode for unit test result import
[SONARPY-136] - update issueManagement url in POM
[SONARPY-137] - update description in POM
[SONARPY-140] - Tune "Sonar way" quality profile
[SONARPY-149] - Do not save 0 for ncloc_data and comment_lines_data metrics
[SONARPY-154] - False Positive on rules considering nested class properties
[SONARPY-156] - Improve MethodShouldBeStaticCheck: ignore built-in methods
[SONARPY-157] - Update FunctionComplexity parameter default value to 20
[SONARPY-158] - Update NestedControlFlowDepthCheck parameter default value to 4
[SONARPY-159] - Update FunctionName and MethodName parameter default value to not limit max name length
[SONARPY-171] - Group plugin properties into subcategories
[SONARPY-129] - Support NOSONAR to ignore specific issues on the same line
[SONARPY-142] - Migrate plugin on SQ 5.6 LTS
[SONARPY-143] - Support issues with precise location
[SONARPY-144] - Raise issues with precise location for comments-related rules
[SONARPY-145] - Raise issues with precise location for flow-related rules
[SONARPY-146] - Raise issues with precise location for class- and function-related rules
[SONARPY-147] - Raise issues with precise location for bad-usage rules
[SONARPY-148] - Support new Python <=3.6 syntax
[SONARPY-163] - Highlight number literals
[SONARPY-164] - Highlight python docstring
[SONARPY-103] - Migrate text colorizing to use Highlightable interface
[SONARPY-127] - Update maven groupId
[SONARPY-151] - Deprecate rule LongIntegerWithLowercaseSuffixUsage
[SONARPY-153] - Remove BackslashInStringCheck from Sonar Way profile
[SONARPY-160] - Drop SQALE characteristics
[SONARPY-162] - Migrate to Java8
[SONARPY-165] - Drop commons rules
[SONARPY-161] - Parse "yield from"
[SONARPY-167] - Parse coroutines with async and await syntax
[SONARPY-168] - Parse an infix operator for matrix multiplication
[SONARPY-169] - Parse additional unpacking generalizations
[SONARPY-170] - Parse formatted string literals
[SONARPY-172] - Parse 'rb' prefix of raw bytes literals