Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 2 发布了,Textpattern是一款简洁而又漂亮的Blog引擎,主题很素雅,留有很大的个性化空间。内置Textile写作语法,所以作者不必懂得HTML标 签语法也能轻松写作。预设主题非常简洁,但可定制程度很高。TXP采用php+mysql构建,代码体积小,效率高,网页访问速度快。目前已经有中文语言 包。适合做清新简练的风格。
Made preference panes URL-selectable.
You can now click on the Textpattern logo to go quickly to whatever panel has been set as default.
Admin theme custom CSS file and custom JavaScript file support.
Delete icon is now coloured red to highlight importance.
Fixed a couple of layout glitches in RTL languages.
Minor bug fixes and optimisations, as reported by beta testers.
jQuery UI v1.12.0 release.