OpenMandriva 3.0 RC1 发布了。
i586 release now available
Install with Calamares now functional so no longer necessary to install through live image
A longstanding gnupg bug has been fixed install with Calamares now functional so no longer necessary to install through live image
a longstanding GnuGP bug has been fixed
OpenMandriva is a cutting edge distribution compiled with LLVM/Clang
KDE Plasma 5.6.5
KDE Frameworks 5.23.0
KDE Apps 16.04.2
Kernel 4.6.4
Systemd 230
Xorg 1.18.3
Mesa 12.0.1
F2FS support – A filesystem for SSD
OpenMandriva是一份功能齐全的Linux桌面及服务器发行,它由OpenMandriva Association赞助。它基于ROSA,而这则是于2012年从Mandriva Linux派生出的俄罗斯Linux发行;此外,它还集成了很多Mandriva最初的工具并引入了面向家用的增强。OpenMandriva的目标是为 自由及开源软件的创建、改进、促进及发布提供综合性的便利,并且特别服务于OpenMandriva的项目。