Teiid 9.0.2 发布了,Teiid是一个数据虚拟化系统,让应用程序使用来自多个异构数据存储的数据。Teiid 可以让你用 JDBC + SQL 来访问企业的任何数据,并可对这些不同源的数据进行联合查询。Teiid9.0 将在较长时间内支持提供JRE1.7兼容的平台。
[TEIID-4304] - Correct handling with subquery in on clause
[TEIID-4311] - Teiid Admin Api not support to create XA datasource on Jboss server.
[TEIID-4321] - VDB Validation is showing warnings, but failing deployment
[TEIID-4324] - TEIID30019 Unexpected exception for request ... java.lang.AssertionError: Batch not found in storage
[TEIID-4325] - ASSERTION FAILED: expected reference to be not null
[TEIID-4335] - No buffer when close is called
[TEIID-4338] - Hana and Vertica should be marked as requiring a source
[TEIID-4339] - Hot Rod ExecutionFactory name misspelled
[TEIID-4342] - loadMatView afterLoadScript error when calling a function
[TEIID-4336] - Errors in logs during server shutdown