Netty 4.0.39.Final 和 4.1.3.Final 发布了。本次发布,修改了bug,改进了性能,以及增加了一些功能。
4.0.39 和4.1.3.Final 主要修改内容如下:
Fix JDK9 direct ByteBuffer cleaner invocation (#5538)
Non-sticky thread groups in DefaultThreadFactory (#5533)
Enforce Recycler limit when recycling from different threads (#5528)
Avoid missed signals on a default promise (#5523)
Ensure ChannelHandler.handlerAdded(...) callback is executed directly when added from ChannelFutureListener added to the registration future. (#5515)
Not operate on serial execution assumption when using EventExecutor in the DefaultChannelPipeline.(#5506)
Make AbstractChannel.outboundBuffer volatile (#5509)
Fix improper synchronization in DefaultPromise (#5494)
4.1.3.Final 的重要更新:
DnsNameResolver search domains support (#5496)
DefaultHttp2RemoteFlowController reentry infinite loop (#5525)
详情请看 4.0.39.Final 和 4.1.3.Final。
所有在 4.0.39.Final 的修改,都包含在了 4.1.3.Fina。而 4.1.3.Final 里程碑的修改不会影响4.0.39.Final。