Apache Qpid Proton 0.13.1 发布了,Apache Qpid (Open Source AMQP Messaging) 是一个跨平台的企业通讯解决方案,实现了高级消息队列协议。提供了 Java、C++ 两种服务端版本以及 Java、C++、.NET、Python和Ruby语言的客户端。
PROTON-1248 - There is no way to query the state of deliveries or trackers
Bugs 修复:
PROTON-1233 - Windows schannel: match OpenSSL and require non-null hostname for PN_SSL_VERIFY_PEER_NAME
PROTON-1235 - C Reactor: connection fails if hostname with no port is used for transport address
PROTON-1236 - Reactor - segfault if connection address cannot be resolved
PROTON-1247 - Link errors when using proton::delivery::accept(), ...::reject() etc.
PROTON-1249 - proton-j: unsafe type initialisations