RubyMine 2016.2 候选版本发布了。
Code Insight | Feature | RUBY-17831 | Frozen string literal inspection |
Bug | RUBY-18236 | Find usages do not work with rspec let statements | |
Markdown | Bug | RUBY-18237 | URLs with dashes are not rendered correctly in Markdown JavaFX preview panel |
Ruby Version Managers | Bug | RUBY-18030 | Gems installation into rbenv gemset causes gem is not available in the SDK warning until reopen Settings |
Usability | RUBY-18185 | No SDK selected value will be changed to random SDK while create RailsApps Sample |
RubyMine 是一个全新的为Ruby 和 Rails开发者准备的 IDE ,RubyMine由 JetBrains 开发(JetBrains最著名的产品之一就是Java IDE:IntellJ IDEA了!)。RubyMine是建立在IntellJ IDEA平台之上,提供所有必须的IDE功能,比如编辑,调试工具,源代码控制集成,代码自动提示完成,以及其他功能。专门为ruby打造的功能有基于 GUI 支持的 RSpec 和 Test::Unit。