Apache Lucene 6.1.0 发布了。
* Numerous improvements to LatLonPoint, for indexing a latitude/longitude
point and searching by polygon, distance or box, or finding nearest
* Geo3D now has simple APIs for creating common shape queries, matching
* Faster indexing and searching of points.
* Faster geo-spatial indexing and searching for LatLonPoint, Geo3D and
GeoPoint (see http://home.apache.org/~mikemccand/geobench.html )
* HardlinkCopyDirectoryWrapper optimizes file copies using hard links
* In case of contention, the query cache now prefers returning an
uncached Scorer rather than waiting on a lock.
Bug fixes
* BooleanQuery could sometimes assign too low scores to ranges of
documents that matched a single clause.
* Doc values updates could sometimes be applied in the wrong order.
API 改进:
LUCENE-7163: refactor GeoRect, Polygon, and GeoUtils tests to geo package in core
(Nick Knize)LUCENE-7152: Refactor GeoUtils from lucene-spatial package to core
(Nick Knize)LUCENE-7141: Switch OfflineSorter's ByteSequencesReader to BytesRefIterator
(Mike McCandless)LUCENE-7150: Spatial3d gets useful APIs to create common shape queries, matching LatLonPoint.
(Karl Wright via Mike McCandless)LUCENE-7243: Removed the LeafReaderContext parameter from QueryCachingPolicy#shouldCache.
(Adrien Grand)LUCENE-7283: SlowCompositeReaderWrapper and the uninverting package have been moved to Solr.
(Mike McCandless)
Lucene 是apache软件基金会一个开放源代码的全文检索引擎工具包,是一个全文检索引擎的架构,提供了完整的查询引擎和索引引擎,部分文本分析引擎。 Lucene的目的是为软件开发人员提供一个简单易用的工具包,以方便的在目标系统中实现全文检索的功能,或者是以此为基础建立起完整的全文检索引擎。
Lucene 最初是由Doug Cutting所撰写的,是一位资深全文索引/检索专家,曾经是V-Twin搜索引擎的主要开发者,后来在Excite担任高级系统架构设计师,目前从事 于一些INTERNET底层架构的研究。他贡献出Lucene的目标是为各种中小型应用程式加入全文检索功能。
OSChina 使用 Lucene 实现全文搜索。