SonarQube C/C++/Objective C 3.12 发布了,本次发布主要包括9个新特性:
Conditions should not unconditionally evaluate to “TRUE” or to “FALSE” (C, Bug, cert, cwe, misra)
Example of an issue found in the Git source code:Unused “private” methods should be removed (C++, Code Smell, cert, unused)
Example of an issue found in OpenJDK source code:“static” should not be used in unnamed namespaces (C++, Code Smell, clumsy, cpp11)
Default capture should not be used (C++, Code Smell, cpp11, suspicious)
Inherited non-virtual functions should not be hidden (C++, Code Smell, cert, confusing)
Example of an issue found in OpenJDK source code:Namespaces should not be empty (C++, Code Smell, cert, unused)
The first operand of a conditional operator should have type bool (C++, Code Smell, misra)