Tails 2.0 发布,更新如下:
New features
Tails now uses the GNOME Shell desktop environment, in its Classic mode. GNOME Shell provides a modern, simple, and actively developed desktop environment. The Classic mode keeps the traditional Applications, Places menu, and windows list. Accessibility and non-Latin input sources are also better integrated.
To find your way around, read our introduction to GNOME and the Tails desktop.
Upgrades and changes
Debian 8 upgrades most included software, for example:
Many core GNOME utilities from 3.4 to 3.14: Files, Disks, Videos, etc.
LibreOffice from 3.5 to 4.3
PiTiVi from 0.15 to 0.93
Git from 1.7.10 to 2.1.4
Poedit from 1.5.4 to 1.6.10
Liferea from 1.8.6 to 1.10
Update Tor Browser to 5.5 (based on Firefox 38.6.0 ESR):
Add Japanese support.
Remove the Windows camouflage which is currently broken in GNOME Shell. We started working on adding it back but your help is needed!
Change to
as init system and use it to:Sandbox many services using Linux namespaces and make them harder to exploit.
Make the launching of Tor and the memory wipe on shutdown more robust.
Sanitize our code base by replacing many custom scripts.
Update most firmware packages which might improve hardware compatibility.
Notify the user if Tails is running from a non-free virtualization software.
Remove Claws Mail, replaced by Icedove, a rebranded version of Mozilla Thunderbird.
Fixed problems
HiDPI displays are better supported. (#8659)
Remove the option to open a download with an external application in Tor Browser as this is usually impossible due to the AppArmor confinement. (#9285)
Close Vidalia before restarting Tor.
Allow configuring printers without administration password. (#8443)
The Amnesic Incognito Live System
(Tails) 是基于 Debian 的自启动光盘或 USB
发行,其目标是为用户提供完整的因特网匿名功能。该发行装备了一些因特网应用程序,包括网页浏览器、IRC 客户端、邮件 mail
使用了 Tor 网络,以使得网络流量很难被追踪。