KeePass 2.34 发布了,KeePass是一款密码管理工具.它能帮你记住电子邮件,主页FTP,上网,论坛等用户名和密码,而免去了你众多的烦恼,节省了时间.它把密码保存在高度加密的数据库中,不能让其他人和其他应用程序所识别。
The version information file (which the optional update check downloads to see if there exists a newer version) is now digitally signed (using RSA-4096 / SHA-512); furthermore, it is downloaded over HTTPS.
Added option 'Lock workspace when minimizing main window to tray'.
Added option 'Esc minimizes to tray instead of locking the workspace'.
AddedCtrl+Qshortcut for closing KeePass (as alternative toAlt+F4).
bit for disabling the 'Check for Updates' menu item.The installers (regular and MSI) now create an empty 'Plugins' folder in the application directory, and the portable package now also contains such a folder.
Plugins: added support for digitally signed version information files.
Plugins are now loaded only directly from the application directory and from any subdirectory of the 'Plugins' folder in the application directory.
Improved startup performance (by filtering plugin candidates).
When closing a database, KeePass now searches and deletes any temporary files that may have been created and forgotten by MSHTML when printing failed.
CHM help file: improved high DPI support.
Various code optimizations.
Minor other improvements.