RunDeck v2.6.8 发布了,以下是该版本值得关注的内容:
Script plugins for Workflow/Node steps: allow script file extension to be specified
Script plugins for Workflow/Node steps: allow key storage automatic read
API: /api/17/project/name/jobs/import does not return JSON when ?format=xml is used
API: project create json with null description results in "null"
option cascading not working at 100% (after upgrading 2.4.2 to 2.6.6)
Simple Configuration edit page: should prompt when you navigate away before saving
Log storage fails to retrieve remote file if unable to rename temp file
Secure Option key Storage Path UI should disable some of the non relevant checkbox/fields
When using "Run Again" options revert to their default value.
RunDeck 是用 Java/Grails 写的开源工具,帮助用户在数据中心或者云环境中自动化各种操作和流程。通过命令行或者web界面,用户可以对任意数量的服务器进行操作,大大降低了对服务器自动化的门槛。
在浏览器中执行服务器上任何非交互命令,比如ps, /etc/init.d/xxx restart,注意ssh之类的要在执行中输入密码的肯定不支持
对接服务器上的一键运维脚本,变成一个Job, 执行时只要点击按钮Run