SonarQube 5.6 LTS 发布了,本次发布做了进一步的改进,修复了大量 Bugs ,以下是新特性及后期版本改进任务:
SONAR-7587] - Both Server and Scanner must fail if not started on Java 8+
[SONAR-7661] - Add Startable interface to explicitly create components started/stopped by container
[SONAR-7367] - Remove code previously used by SonarLint
[SONAR-7569] - Update copy resource id when persisting components in CE
[SONAR-7612] - Put new Sensor API out of beta and deprecate old API
[SONAR-7623] - Deprecate "Test execution details" feature
[SONAR-7626] - Deprecate issues report (html/console) feature
[SONAR-7636] - Deprecate org.sonar.api.measures.Measure