Netty 4.1.1.Final 发布了,官方改进记录:
OpenSslEngine writePlaintextData WANT_READ with no data in BIO buffer (#5364)
Ensure the correct wrapped buffer is released in AbstractPooledDerivedByteBuf.deallocate() (#5347)
Netty 4.0.37.Final 发布了,官方改进记录:
OpenSslEngine writePlaintextData WANT_READ with no data in BIO buffer (#5364)
Fix the possible reference leak in Recycler (#5333)
[#5104] Fix possible deadlock in DefaultChannelPipeline (#5110)
PoolChunkList not correctly move PoolChunks when these are moved (#5089)
Allow to create Unsafe ByteBuf implementations that not use a Cleaner to clean the native memory. (#5314)