dhtmlxSuite 4.6.1 发布了,该版本主要是对 4.6 进行小 bug 修复和改进。完整的列表请看这里。
修复的 bug 列表:
calendar - onButtonClick added for today/clear, localization improved (docs)
calendar - update input if today/clear pressed
cell - cancel attachURL by ajax if reattach or unload called
common - email validation - 2..5 characters in the domain name
form - autocheck for disabled nested items fixed for type:combo
form - blur for textarea/select fixed
form - type:image fixed if url not specified
form - unload improved for radio button
form - enableTodayButton added for type:calendar
grid - master checkbox and disabled cells fixed
grid - new row adding corrected for the live update mode
grid - incorrect data saving after setBindData in dhtmlxGrid fixed
grid - refreshMath functionality to restore math after column moving added
grid - sum math in treegrid fixed
layout - collapsed text rendering fixed
layout - hidden header rendering fixed for collapsed cell
popup - popup position fixed for template, file, label, fieldset, container, image and block form types
popup - setDimension added
ribbon - extra border removed if switch to disabled state while mouse over button is performed
tree - dhtmlx.image_path parsing fixed
treegrid - drag as top item in complex TreeGrid dnd fixed
DHTMLX Suite 是一个用JavaScript建立的富客户端开发框架。它是一个JavaScript库,用于建立一个完整的具有 Ajax能力的前台组件用它您可以建立一个企业级别的应用,它能提供优秀的性能和更丰富的用户体验。