Apache Calcite Avatica 1.8.0 发布了,Apache Calcite 是一个动态数据管理框架,用于 Hadoop 平台。
Features and bug fixes
[CALCITE-1159] Support Kerberos-authenticated clients using SPNEGO
[CALCITE-1173] Basic and Digest authentication
[CALCITE-1249] L&N incorrect for source and non-shaded jars for avatica-standalone-server module
[CALCITE-1103] Decimal data serialized as Double in Protocol Buffer API
[CALCITE-1205] Inconsistency in protobuf TypedValue field names
[CALCITE-1207] Allow numeric connection properties, and K, M, G suffixes
[CALCITE-1209] Byte strings not being correctly decoded when sent to avatica using protocol buffers
[CALCITE-1213] Changing AvaticaDatabaseMetaData from class to interface breaks compatibility
[CALCITE-1218] Mishandling of uncaught exceptions results in no ErrorResponse sent to client
[CALCITE-1230] Add SQLSTATE reference data as enum SqlState
[CALCITE-1243] max_row_count in protobuf Requests should be signed int
[CALCITE-1247] JdbcMeta#prepare doesn’t set maxRowCount on the Statement
[CALCITE-1254] Support PreparedStatement.executeLargeBatch
[CALCITE-643] User authentication for avatica clients
[CALCITE-1128] Support addBatch()/executeBatch() in remote driver
[CALCITE-1179] Extend list of time units and time unit ranges
[CALCITE-1180] Support clearBatch() in remote driver
[CALCITE-1185] Send back ErrorResponse on failure to parse requests
[CALCITE-1192] Document protobuf and json REP types with examples
[CALCITE-1214] Support url-based kerberos login
[CALCITE-1236] Log exceptions sent back to client in server log
[CALCITE-836] Provide a way for the Avatica client to query the server versions
[CALCITE-1156] Bump jetty version
[CALCITE-1184] Update Kerby dependency to 1.0.0-RC2
[CALCITE-1190] Cross-Version Compatibility Test Harness
[CALCITE-1113] Parameter precision and scale are not returned from Avatica REST API
[CALCITE-1186] Parameter ‘signed’ metadata is always returned as false
[CALCITE-1189] Unit test failure when JVM default charset is not UTF-8
[CALCITE-1061] RemoteMetaTest#testRemoteStatementInsert’s use of hsqldb isn’t guarded
[CALCITE-1194] Avatica metrics has non-test dependency on JUnit
[CALCITE-835] Unicode character seems to be handled incorrectly in Avatica
Web site and documentation
[CALCITE-1251] Write release notes
[CALCITE-1201] Bad character in JSON docs
[CALCITE-1267] Point to release notes on website in README
[CALCITE-1163] Avatica sub-site logo leads to Calcite site instead of Avatica’s
[CALCITE-1202] Lock version of Jekyll used by website