Ionic 2.0.0-beta.8 发布了,本次发布值得关注的内容:
alert: add Sass variables for the radio/checkbox labels when checked (9cc0dc7), closes #6289
item: add item-content attr selector (839adf8), closes #6643
menu: add opened/closed events (51ee8b7)
popover: add height auto for safari and remove ability to scroll on backdrop (620b7c8)
popover: add MD animation (1d0d755)
popover: add popover component (53fd3c3)
popover: add styling for the md pin (a25a552)
popover: adjust popover to position in the center with no event (1e7b572)
popover: change MD animation and use for WP also (44a7da8)
popover: change popover item background color to match wrapper (b0d71da)
popover: change template in popover to a page similar to modal (a96e36a)
popover: fix long popovers that go off the page (4db72cf)
popover: fix MD animations and start from the right side (e419ec6)
popover: modify the animation for each mode (57a1274)
popover: position popover in the top middle if no event (438a389)
popover: position the popover on transition instead of create (2cd1b51)
range: add ability to add labels to the left/right of range (fc819dd)
range: add md and wp styling, tweak ios styling (af6d5e4)
range: add styling for range-left/range-right md and wp (21753a8)
range: add styling for the range when knob is minimum md (c59c656)
range: create ion-range input (2c6e11b)
range: fix the knob on md so the transform isn't blurry (cffa84c)
range: only increase knob size when pin doesn't exist (47174df)
Ionic Framework 是个高级的 HTML5 移动端应用框架,是个很漂亮的使用 HTML5 开发混合移动应用前端框架。