Payara Server 发布,更新如下:
Updated Modules
This section details the modules that have been updated since the last release (
Jersey 2.22.1
EclipseLink 2.6.2 (Patched to payara-p1)
GlassFish Corba 4.0.1 (Patched to payara-p3)
Woodstock (Patched to payara-p2)
Metro 2.3.2-b608 (Patched to payara-p2)
MQ 5.1.1-b02 (Patched to payara-p1)
Apache commons-fileupload 1.3.1
This section details the issues marked as enhancements that have been implemented for this release.
576/PAYARA-549 - Currently only deployment artifacts ending in .war are deployed
588 – Payara Micro can’t be stopped and restarted in the same process
619/PAYARA-488 – Restart behaviour when running windows service
Fixed Issues
This section details the issues marked as bugs that have been fixed for this release.
Payara Fixes
This section details the fixes implemented by the Payara team or community.
195/PAYARA-222 – Jbatch and Postgresql db as job repository fails
481/PAYARA-477 – Behaviour of Logging for @Transactional CDI methods
494/PAYARA-376 – Instance server.log written to despite change of log file name/location
510/PAYARA-547 - @DataSourceDefinition defined data source can't be used in persistence.xml
525/PAYARA-449 – Sporadic “attempted duplicate class definition for name” in Payara 4.1.153
534/PAYARA-446 – Multiple cookies cannot be added using Headers.putAll()
539/PAYARA-556 - ACC needs 3 seconds for initialContext.lookup("myHome")
556/PAYARA-496 - ensure the truststore is only written to when we have read/write permissions
564/PAYARA-538 - Upstream commit breaks redeploy of CargoTracker
567/PAYARA-371 - Spurious warning when changing open mq admin/guest password
578/PAYARA-346 - added javax.ejb as an imported package to the weld integration bundle
589/PAYARA-557 - Incorrect Server Version and Vendor provided in JMX Bean
627 – Webservice deployed from directory archive on windows fails