GitLab 8.8 发布了,更新如下:
之前,你已经可以定义复杂的管道,在GitLab8.8,GitLab CI将这些管道可视化,所以你可以看到事情的进展。
.gitignore templates
GitHub Importer 改进
在 GitLab 8.8中进一步提高 GitHub importer ,将进口引入请求带有了丢失的源或目标分支。
On a project: i To navigate to New Issue page.
On a issuable: l To open Label dropdown on a issuable.
Global: Typing ? multiple times now toggles the modal.
UI 改进
Suppress Text File diffs through .gitattributes
Milestone references in Markdown
Health Check
Performance 更新
Use tag_exists? in GitAccess#protected_tag?: improves SSH/HTTPS pushing performance by only checking a single Git tag upon push instead of all existing Git tags (mostly noticeable on projects with lots of tags)
Cleaned up/tweaked Project#open_branches and Improve multiple branch push performance by memoizing permission checking: improves SSH/HTTPS pushing performance by cutting down the time spent in checking if branches are protected or not
Removed tracking of total method execution times: total method execution timings are no longer tracked by GitLab Performance Monitoring
Instrument all Grape API helpers: GitLab Performance Monitoring now instruments all Grape API helpers
Uptime changes:
Added helper methods for database migrations and Move generator templates to generator_templates/: upgrading from GitLab 8.7.x to GitLab 8.8.0 does not require any downtime as all migrations can now be performed without stopping your GitLab instance. The goal for future releases is to also allow online upgrades unless downtime is an absolute requirement.
详情:GitLab 8.8 released with Pipelines and .gitignore templates