Spring Roo 2.0.0.M2 发布了。更新内容:
[ROO-3672] - Upgrade OSGi modules to R6: Subsystem, Config Admin, ...
[ROO-3465] - Roo overwrites manual changes to the pom.xml
[ROO-3587] - Entity implementing interface with getId(): double generation
[ROO-3633] - Roo Shell won't start with 2.0.0.M1
[ROO-3637] - Unable to create a Java-first webservice only project with Roo
[ROO-3664] - Missing package at STS 3.7
[ROO-3681] - Register metadata dependency into MetadataProvider template
[ROO-3685] - Database Reverse Engineer includes dependency without version
[ROO-3688] - Generating errors in ActiveRecord.aj for EntityManager
[ROO-3724] - Antlr shows error when interface extends more than one element or extends generic type
[ROO-3447] - Comment structures added by a builder are not written in the ITD
[ROO-3472] - json-addon generated code needs to have more flexibility
[ROO-3478] - Maven Dependency Management - Increase Flexibility
[ROO-3497] - Update generated projects to use Spring 4.2
[ROO-3634] - Update Selenium to support later versions of Firefox
[ROO-3636] - Generate command "selenium all"
[ROO-3639] - Add renderLabel attribute in form fields tags
[ROO-3644] - Create SettingService API
[ROO-3648] - Add support to generate Generic Methods
[ROO-3649] - Use Spring IO platform on generated projects
[ROO-3650] - Update removed method installFormatters from ApplicationConversionServiceFactoryBean
[ROO-3651] - Roo doesn't allow to generate methods with empty body
[ROO-3652] - Update tomcat7 maven plugin version
[ROO-3653] - Organize project modules dependencies and plugins
[ROO-3656] - Fix wrapping version numbers
[ROO-3659] - Setup logging system for OSGi services
[ROO-3660] - ROO should be able to include dependencies without version
[ROO-3661] - Update Felix to 5.0.1 version
[ROO-3665] - Update to OSGi R6
[ROO-3667] - Migrate from low-level OSGi API to Declarative Services
[ROO-3670] - Remove repo.springsource.org repository from Spring Roo project
[ROO-3673] - Switch to ServiceTracker utility
[ROO-3674] - Allow Spring Roo to include dependencies with type 'pom'
[ROO-3683] - Prevent changes on child elements marked as "user-managed" on JSP views
[ROO-3686] - Update Spring IO platform to 2.0.0.RC1
[ROO-3687] - Annotation based configuration: Use Spring Boot
[ROO-3689] - Remove Active Record support
[ROO-3693] - Roo Shell should be able to ask questions to developer and wait for his answer.
[ROO-3699] - Improve visibility of optional parameters
[ROO-3711] - Update Repository JPA commands
[ROO-3713] - Remove Active Record support on Spring Roo finders
[ROO-3717] - Refactoring of "service" commands
[ROO-3725] - Update AspectJ to 1.8.8
[ROO-3726] - Improve multimodule project generation
[ROO-3729] - Add audit support for Jpa Entities
[ROO-3731] - Add support for creating unit tests
[ROO-3740] - Use JQuery Datatables on list views
[ROO-3742] - Use Select2 component on dropdown elements