Apache Tika 1.13 发布了,更新如下:
Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.1 (TIKA-1285/TIKA-1959).
The classic sequential parser is no longer available.
Tiff files are no longer extracted by default. See https://pdfbox.apache.org/2.0/dependencies.html#optional-components for optional components to process Tiff files.
Some truncated/corrupted files that had some content extracted with 1.8.x may have no content extracted in 2.0.x (see TIKA-1912).
The MIT-NLP Information Extraction (MITIE) Named Entity
Recognition (NER) system is now supported in Tika (TIKA-1913, GitHub-108).
Tika now supports the use of the Yandex translation service (TIKA-1943, GitHub-106).
Tika now uses NER to extract scientific measurements
from text using either GROBID Quantities which uses conditional random fields and NLTK which uses regular expressesions (TIKA-1917, GitHub-104).
Fixed JournalParser to handle null responses from GROBID and to log a message (TIKA-1925).
Refactored Language Detector into tika-landetect module,
added default N-Gram implementation, Optimaize Lang Detector and MIT Text.jl implementation (TIKA-1872, TIKA-1696, TIKA-1723).
Extract metadata from MP4 videos whether or not the PooledTimeSeries parser is available via Aditya Dhulipala (TIKA-1844).
Fix NPE when trying to get embedded image identifier in
WordParser (TIKA-1956).
Improvements to MIME database for detection of Scientific
and other formats present in the TREC-DD-Polar dataset
(TIKA-1881, GitHub-85, TIKA-1883, TIKA-1884, TIKA-1886,TIKA-1882).
LinkContentHandler now extracts links from script tags via Joseph Naegele (TIKA-1937).
Handle per page IOExceptions more robustly in PDFParser (TIKA-1948).
Upgrade commons-compress to 1.11 (TIKA-1949).
Add detection for embedded MSChart.Graph files (TIKA-1033).
Fix NPE in Sqlite parser from Nick C (TIKA-1927).
Fix NPE in Open Document parser from Nick C (TIKA-1916).
Upgrade mp4parser's isoparser to 1.1.7 (TIKA-1924 and TIKA-1931).
Upgrade BouncyCastle to 1.54 (TIKA-1923).
Upgrade Jackcess to 2.1.3 (TIKA-1922).
Upgrade Drew Noakes' metadata-extractor to 2.8.1 (TIKA-1921).
Upgrade Gson in tika-serialization to 2.6.2 (TIka-1920).
Upgrade commons-cli in tika-batch to 1.3.1 (TIKA-1919).
Add XMPMM support to PDFParser and JpegParser via Jempbox (TIKA-1894).
Move serialization of TikaConfig to tika-core and enable dumping of the config file via tika-app (TIKA-1657).
Tika now incorporates the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) from the Python community as an option for Named Entity Recognition (TIKA-1876).
Add support for XFA extraction via Pascal Essiembre (TIKA-1857).
Upgrade to sqlite-jdbc (TIKA-1861). NOTE: this dependency is still <scope>provided</scope>. You need to include this dependency in order to parse sqlite files.
Upgrade to POI 3.15-beta1 (TIKA-1895).
Upgrade to Jackson 2.7.1 (TIKA-1869).
Upgrade to Apache SIS 0.6 (TIKA-1878).
RichTextContentHandler moved from the Server package to Core (TIKA-1870).
Added ZeroSizeFileDetector to support application/x-zerovalue via Adesh Gupta (TIKA-1885).
Addition of types information to Grobid quantities parser via Can Menekse (TIKA-1965).
下载地址: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/tika/apache-tika-1.13-src.zip
详情参见:Apache Tika 1.13