Pharo 5.0 发布了,Pharo的目标是提供一个简洁新颖的开源Smalltalk开 发环境。Smalltalk被公认为历史上第二个面向对象的程序设计语言和第一个真正的集成开发环境(IDE)。Smalltalk由Alan Kay,Dan Ingalls,Ted Kaehler,Adele Goldberg等于70年代初在Xerox PARC开发。Smalltalk对其它众多的程序设计语言的产生起到了极大的推动作用,主要有:Objective-C,Actor,Java和 Ruby等。90年代的许多软件开发思想得利于Smalltalk,例如设计模式、敏捷编程和重构等。
The PharoVM is now based on Spur, the new memory management, and it brings with it a 35% speedup!
A new unified foreign function interface (UFFI) replaced NativeBoost to provide a strong Spur-compatible framework for interfacing with the outside world.
The Glamorous Toolkit now includes the GTDebugger to offer a moldable infrastructure that allows the developer to customise the debugger deeply.
The underlying Reflectivity mechanism has reached maturity with multiple pieces coming together to empower developers to instrument their own systems. For example, we now have breakpoints implemented as just a simple extension of this mechanism.
QualityAssistant is now part of the image to provide live feedback during development.