Apache Mesos 0.27.0 发布,更新如下:
[MESOS-1791]: Support for resource quota that provides non-revocable resource guarantees without tying reservations to particular Mesos agents. Please refer to the quota documentation for more information.
[MESOS-191]: Multiple disk support to allow for disk IO intensive applications to achieve reliable, high performance.
[MESOS-4085]: Flexible roles with the introduction of implicit roles. It deprecates the whitelist functionality that was implemented by specifying
during master startup to provide a static list of roles.[MESOS-2353]: Performance improvement of the state endpoint for large clusters.
Apache Mesos是一个集群管理器,提供了有效的、跨分布式应用或框架的资源隔离和共享,可以运行Hadoop、MPI、Hypertable、Spark。