Openfire 4.0.1 发布,更新如下:
[OF-1040] - Banning users from room does not result in proper exit
[OF-1041] - Using AD specific attribute breaks OpenLDAP support
[OF-1042] - NPE in stanza handler (after failed TLS?)
[OF-1045] - NPE with cluster management if cluster has not been started
[OF-1046] - Error 503 emitted sending update notifications to offline admins that are over offline storage quota
[OF-1051] - ConcurrentModificationException in PluginManager
[OF-1053] - i18n params fail when text has apostrophe
[OF-1054] - IllegalStateException when destroying MUC room prevents unavailable broadcast to be sent
[OF-1048] - Should not store chat state messages
[OF-1049] - Improve Certificate Store Management
[OF-1055] - Remove exclamation mark from the Search button
[OF-1057] - Upgrade Jetty to latest patch release of its 9.2 branch.
Openfire 是实时的基于WEB的即时消息传输平台,是原来的Jive Messenger