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Apache Wicket 7.3.0 和 6.23.0 发布


Apache Wicket 7.3.0 和 6.23.0 发布了,Wicket是一个Java 语言的Web开发框架,与Struts,WebWork,Tapestry   相类似。其特点在于对Html和代码进行了有效的分离(有利于程序员和美工的合作),基于规则的配置(减少了XML   等配置文件的使用),学习曲线较低(开发方式与C/S相似),更加易于调试(错误类型比较少,而且容易定位)。

Apache Wicket 7.3.0 一些提升:

* [WICKET-6053] - Allow to reuse the same application instance in several tests
* [WICKET-6081] - Add "assertNotRequired" to the WicketTester
* [WICKET-6098] - Add logging to HttpSessionDataStore
* [WICKET-6100] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12.3/2.2.3
* [WICKET-6103] - Synchronization on JSR 356 connection
* [WICKET-6106] - Propagate JSR 356 WebSocket connection error to a page
* [WICKET-6107] - Broadcast onClose event regardless of the JSR 356 WebSocket connection closed
* [WICKET-6110] - Add a message to StalePageException for better debugging
* [WICKET-6122] - Add .map to the list of allowed file extensions in SecurePackageResourceGuard
* [WICKET-6123] - Remove 'abstract' from ChainingModel
* [WICKET-6127] - Add metrics for request duration
* [WICKET-6128] - Add metrics for currently active sessions
* [WICKET-6130] - Make it easier to override parts of SystemMapper
* [WICKET-6144] - Wicket-ajax parameter / header may be used to bypass proper exception handling
* [WICKET-6145] - Enable DeltaManager to replicate PageTable in Sessions
* [WICKET-6152] - Allow to add more than one WebSocketBehavior in the component tree


Apache Wicket 7.3.0 下载地址:

 * Source: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/7.3.0
 * Binary: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/7.3.0/binaries

Apache 6.23.0 改进记录:

** Bug

* [WICKET-6108] - Closing a ModalWindow with jQuery 2.2.0 produces javascript errors
* [WICKET-6111] - Empty redirect on redirect to home page if home page already shown
* [WICKET-6131] - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl
* [WICKET-6135] - There is no good way to get POST body content

** Improvement

* [WICKET-6098] - Add logging to HttpSessionDataStore
* [WICKET-6100] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12.3/2.2.3
* [WICKET-6110] - Add a message to StalePageException for better debugging
* [WICKET-6122] - Add .map to the list of allowed file extensions in SecurePackageResourceGuard
* [WICKET-6123] - Remove 'abstract' from ChainingModel
* [WICKET-6144] - Wicket-ajax parameter / header may be used to bypass proper exception handling
* [WICKET-6145] - Enable DeltaManager to replicate PageTable in Sessions
* [WICKET-6152] - Allow to add more than one WebSocketBehavior in the component tree


 * Source: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/6.23.0
 * Binary: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/6.23.0/binaries

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