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Apache Lucene 5.5.1 发布,Java 搜索引擎


Apache Lucene 5.5.1 发布了。


Bug fixes  (3)

  1. LUCENE-7112: WeightedSpanTermExtractor.extractUnknownQuery is only called on queries that could not be extracted. 
    (Adrien Grand)

  2. LUCENE-7188: remove incorrect sanity check in NRTCachingDirectory.listAll() that led to IllegalStateException being thrown when nothing was wrong. 
    (David Smiley, yonik)

  3. LUCENE-7209: Fixed explanations of FunctionScoreQuery. 
    (Adrien Grand)

详情: Lucene CHANGES.txt

下载地址: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/lucene/java/5.5.1 

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