Spring Framework 3.2.17 发布了。
fixed AbstractRequestLoggingFilter appends null query string (SPR-14244)
fixed Deadlock possible with AspectJ aspects and multi-threading (SPR-14241)
fixed NPE thrown when calling methods with an empty @Caching annotation (SPR-14162)
fixed @RequestHeader HttpHeaders fails with NPE against null header value (SPR-14091)
fixed ModelAndView is replaced when a RedirectView is used (SPR-14045)
fixed Scripted beans not updated after a script compilation error in getScriptedObjectType (SPR-14007)
fixed TimerManagerTaskScheduler.TimerScheduledFuture.getDelay is inverted (SPR-13977)
fixed AbstractMarshaller's DocumentBuilderFactory instance may be used by several threads simultaneously (SPR-13935)
fixed ReflectiveMethodResolver chooses parent class over child for static methods (SPR-13918)
fixed NullPointerException while building error message in InvocableHandlerMethod (SPR-13917)
fixed Handle RejectedExecutionException in WebAsyncManager (SPR-13836)
improved MVC config path config options (SPR-14186)
improved local resolution of Quartz XSD (SPR-13706)
improved SimpleTriggerFactoryBean and CronTriggerFactoryBean usage without jobDetail (SPR-13604)
improved XML example javadoc of @EnableScheduling (SPR-14145)
improved documentation example of MessageSource (SPR-14003)
improved documentation of ResponseEntityExceptionHandler.handleExceptionInternal (SPR-13869)
improved documentation at section 17.4 Handler mappings (SPR-13832)