Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.0.0 M3 发布了,主要改进记录如下:
Provides the foundation for the following Data Flow Server implementations that have also been released today:
Spring Cloud Data Flow’s Cloud Foundry Server 1.0.0.M2
Spring Cloud Data Flow’s Kubernetes Server 1.0.0.M2
Spring Cloud Data Flow’s Apache YARN Server 1.0.0.M2
Spring Cloud Data Flow’s Apache Mesos Server 1.0.0.M2
Introduces and builds upon the Spring Cloud Deployer Service Provider Interface
New multi-platform application deployment model factored out of Spring Cloud Data Flow itself for general purpose use, including AppDeployer and TaskLauncher to deploy long-running and short-lived microservices, respectively.
Improved application resolution strategy with support for maintaining a registry of applications as
, orhdfs
artifactsBuilds upon Spring Cloud Stream 1.0.0.RC3
Builds upon Spring Cloud Task 1.0.0.M2
Improves DSL support for streaming and batch pipelines
Adds "tap" support for streaming and batch pipelines
Spring Cloud 为开发者提供了在分布式系统(如配置管理、服务发现、断路器、智能路由、微代理、控制总线、一次性 Token、全局锁、决策竞选、分布式会话和集群状态)操作的开发工具。使用 Spring Cloud 开发者可以快速实现上述这些模式。