TeamCity 9.1.7 发布。
Usability Problem
TW-38407 - Make branch label on build overview a link
TW-41595 - Correct warning in build log when incorrect path to NUnit 3.0 is defined in build step.
TW-44343 - Newly added or activated schedule trigger with option to trigger on changes may not trigger a build even if there are pending changes
TW-44483 - Tomcat 7.0.67+ support
Performance Problem
TW-44398 - Persist only affected projects when editing shared resource
TW-44474 - Slow load of Build Queue page
TW-44523 - Per-build type custom data storage can grow up unconditionally
Security Problem
TW-44842 - Any registered user can list all user's usernames via REST
TW-44876 - Reflected XSS vulnerability in BS.ChangePageFilter.setProjectId() on /changes.html
TW-45113 - Rename}Delete agent pools actions wrap in Chrome
TeamCity是一款功能强大的持续集成(Continue Integration)工具,包括服务器端和客户端,目前支持Java,.Net项目开发。 TeamCity提供一系列特性可以让团队快速实现持续继承:IDE工具集成、各种消息通知、各种报表、项目的管理、分布式的编译等等,所有的这些,都是 让你的团队快速享有持续继承带来的效率提升、高质量的软件保障。