Netty 4.0.34 发布,更新如下:
SslHandler does not send SSL close notify after receiving an invalid client certificate (#3900)
High CPU usage with SO_LINGER and sudden connection close (4.0.26.Final+) (#4449)
DefaultPromise LateListener notification order (#4492)
Respect ClientAuth set via OpenSslEngine constructor (#4576)
Throw ReadOnlyBufferException if unsafe buffer is used and dst is direct (#4577)
Prevent adding newline if Base64 buffer encoded ends directly on MAX_LINE_LENGTH (#4595
isKeepAlive is not supported by Epoll (#4604)
Customizable estimation for messages written outside the EventLoop (#4620)
Ensure closing a Socket / FileDescriptor multiple times will not throw exception (#4623)
Set DSCP bits for IPv6 when setting traffic class. (#4650)
Stop decoding if decoder was removed (#4651)
Ensure we only add OpenSslEngine to the OpenSslEngineMap when handshake is started (#4653)
Unpooled and Wrapped Buffer Leak (#4667)
Decryption failed or bad mac record in Android 5.0 (#4678)
IndexOutOfBoundsException for CompositeByteBuf (#4681)
Let CombinedChannelDuplexHandler correctly handle exceptionCaught. (#4702)
Correctly handle non handshake commands when using SniHandler (#4703)
Implement proper resource leak detection for CompositeByteBuf (#4713)
OpenSslEngine.setEnabledProtocols fails to enable protocols that are currently disabled (#4736)
Ensure ChannelHandler.handlerAdded(...) is always called as first method of the handler (#4776)
SslHandler should call beginHanshake once for the initial handshake (#4764)
Ensure the whole certificate chain is used when creating SslContext for client mode and SslProvider.OPENSSL is used (#4767)
Correctly handle wildcard address when bind to socket and using native transport (#4770)
Netty 提供异步的、事件驱动的网络应用程序框架和工具,用以快速开发高性能、高可靠性的网络服务器和客户端程序。