XWiki 7.4.3 发布了,XWiki是一个由Java编写的基于LGPL协议发布的开源wiki和应用平台。它的开发平台特性允许创建协作式Web应用,同时也提供了构建于平台之上的打包应用(第二代wiki)。该版本主要是修复7.4.2版本中发现的Bug,改进记录如下:
XWIKI-13356 When using htmlHeaderAndFooter we end up with UI extensions like menu bar
XWIKI-13345 Possible NullPointerException in XWiki.getSkinPreference when using ?skin=flamingo
XWIKI-13342 entityReference.js resolver doesn't work correctly when the base reference has multiple spaces
XWIKI-13337 Dropdown menus don't open in some conditions
XWIKI-13334 Simple users can not create a terminal page from URL
XWIKI-13332 Automatic redirect not working for 'download' action
XWIKI-13331 DocumentDeletingEvent does not send original document
XWIKI-13329 Many uneeded saves of the user profile when using a list property for LDAP sync
XWIKI-13325 Invitation app removes hyphens in domain name and replaces them with strikethrough formatting
XWIKI-13316 NullpointerException when skin properties file exist but cannot be loaded
XWIKI-13315 Add support for passing a Location filter to the default Livetable JSON