Tails 2.3 发布了,The Amnesic Incognito Live System (Tails)是基于Debian的自启动光盘或USB发行,其目标是为用户提供完整的因特网匿名功能。该发行装备了一些因特网应用程序,包括网页浏览 器、IRC客户端、邮件mail客户端、即时消息信使,这都以安全为理念进行了预配置,并对网络流量进行了匿名性处理。为达到此目标,Incognito 使用了Tor网络,以使得网络流量很难被追踪。
You can now copy and paste your GnuPG passphrases into thepinentry dialog, for example from KeePassX or the clipboard.
Upgrade Tor Browser to 5.5.5.
Upgrade I2P to 0.9.25.
Upgrade Electrum from 2.5.4 to 2.6.3.
Clarify that users migrating from Claws Mail to Icedove shoulddelete all their Claws Mail datato remove the warning when starting Icedove. (#11187)
Make both panes of Onion Circuits scrollable to fix display issues on smaller screens. (#11192)