Spring Statemachine 1.1.0.RC1 发布了,Spring Statemachine (Spring 状态机)是使用 Spring 框架下的状态机概念创建的一种应用程序开发框架。它使得状态机结构层次化,简化了配置状态机的过程。
* Support junction pseudostate [#42]
* Implement distributed action [#176]
* Persisting state machine id [#186]
* Restoring persisted context does not work with substates [#188]
* Final state is lost when exiting from a submachine [#190]
* Transition from direct parent to initial state enters too many times [#191]
* Support exit/entry points [#192]
* Support eclipse uml/papyrus model [#193]
* Update docs for 1.1.0.RC1 [#194]
* Subsequent choice states are not evaluated in sequence [#195]
* Support FunctionBehavior for actions [#199]
* Support resource loader in UmlStateMachineModelFactory [#200]
* Support event deferring in uml [#201]
* Support transition type in uml [#202]
* Support default history state [#204]
* Guard breaks with Throwable [#206]
* Support timers in uml [#207]
* State exit may fail with linked pseudostates [#208]
* Add new deploy sample [#209]
* UmlStateMachineModelFactory may fail for model loading [#210]
UML 图: