Zabbix 3.0.0rc1 发布,更新如下:
[ZBXNEXT-2662] added a new filter in Monitoring -> Screens
[ZBXNEXT-2662] added a new filter in Monitoring -> Screens -> Slide shows
[ZBXNEXT-2662] added a new filter in Monitoring -> Maps
[ZBXNEXT-2662] updated default colors for graph elements
[ZBX-1357] enabled English (United States), Korean, Ukrainian translations to be displayed by default
[ZBX-1357] updated Chinese (China), Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
[ZBXNEXT-3122] added Windows ReFS to the list of file system types discovered by default
[ZBXNEXT-3124] added edit buttons in map, screen and slide show views
[ZBX-10336] fixed agent crash with TLS OpenSSL on MS Windows; thanks to Kenneth Palmertree for patch
[ZBX-10345] fixed screen, map and slide show update by a non-admin user
[ZBX-10313] changed wmi.get[] to accept UTF-8 encoded namespace and WQL query
[ZBX-10339] fixed undefined index "conditiontype" when adding LLD rule
[ZBX-10305] fixed incorrect menu highlighting and removed dropdown control for templated screens
[ZBX-9661] fixed bug when VMware collectors could sometimes use 100% of CPU without processing any data
[ZBXNEXT-2662] fixed background of the screens
[ZBX-9784] fixed host clone form to work with prototype v1.7.1
[ZBX-10325] fixed importing of host prototypes from Zabbix 2.4
[ZBX-10325] fixed validation of graph items when importing XML files
[ZBX-9640] improved server/proxy/agent item value timestamp synchronization
[ZBXNEXT-1263] fixed number of bugs in encryption support, increased minimum PSK length to 128 bits
[ZBX-10333] fixed treatment of empty results from agent as network errors
[ZBX-10327] fixed brightness of the selections
[ZBX-10331] fixed starting agent as Windows service with multiple agents option
[ZBX-10289] fixed top menu element overlapping