Weld 2.3.4.Final 发布了,改进记录如下:
log important actions performed by extensions (WELD-2134)
for example, if you want to track down all extensions modifying
definitions, then enable the debug logging for Weld and look for messages containingProcessAnnotatedType.setAnnotatedType() called by …
Conversations - allow to configure the default timeout and the concurrent access timeout (WELD-2113)
recover if a transaction is in progress but a JTA Synchronization callback cannot be registered (WELD-2120)
EJB proxies do not implement private methods anymore (WELD-2119)
interceptor instances used for @AroundConstruct are now reused for other types of interception (WELD-2131)
Weld Servlet
fixed handling of archives from
on Tomcat 8 withunpackWARs=false
should not throw NPE if injection into listeners is not supported (WELD-2123)Weld SE
improved support of implicit bean archives (WELD-2129)
there are two new built-in interceptor bindings -
- to activate the request scope or the thread scope within a business method invocationWeld builder allows to configure bean archive isolation, development mode and registration of shutdown hook manually (WELD-2135)
a basic nested archive support was added (WELD-1930)
Weld 是一个实现了 JSR-299 的框架。
JSR 299 是 Java EE 6 中非常重要的部分,提供了如下功能:
1. 类型安全的依赖注入
2. 注入对象的上下文生存周期管理
3. 事件提醒模型
4. 绑定拦截器通过用户自定义的注解(Annotation)
5. 类型安全的装饰器
6. 为整合第三方框架提供了完整的 SPI 支持
7. 与 JSF,Servlet / JSP 进行了整合
8. 对 JSF 提供长会话(Conversation)上下文支持
最 棒的是这些功能都是基于一个清晰、简单、统一的编程模型,其强调了两个最有价值的概念:类型安全,松耦合。JSR 299 不使用字符串或者 XML 绑定组件、事件、拦截器与装饰器。取而代之的是使用 Java 类型系统以及用户自定义的.