rspamd 1.2.4 发布了。
Rspamd 是一个反垃圾邮件系统,因为使用事件模型和正则表达式优化,其设计工作速度比SpamAssassin还要快。目前推出的功能: regexp规则过滤的不同部分的信息;一些内置的功能分析的信息;模糊哈希支持; SURBL滤波器;电子邮件和性质表支持;控制界面进行远程管理和统计信息收集,一个Perl和卢阿插件系统;统计支持(定向结构刨花板/簸扬) ;兼容SpamAssassin ;和一个客户端程序的电子邮件扫描。类似的规则, rspamd约10倍SpamAssassin 。
Implement new multipattern matcher that uses hyperscan if possible
Use mutlipattern for lua_trie code
Add utility methods for multipattern
Use multipattern in url matcher
Add escape functions for hyperscan
Allow to optimize lua -> C transition by flattening table args
Optimize hot paths in SA plugin
Optimize rspamd_re_cache_type_from_string
Allow empty tries
Fix extraction of URLs from Subject
Allow to have different flags for different patterns in multipattern
Add common directory for hyperscan cache to config
Implement caching for hyperscan multipattern
Attach domain part to `R_SUSPICIOUS_URL` (by @moisseev)
Allow multipattern scans to be nested for the case of hyperscan
Simplify SURBL redirector search code and avoid ac_trie
Add two way substring search algorithm
Avoid acism usage to find gtube pattern
Fix processing of empty headers
Allow to disable pthread mutexes on broken platforms
Make web interface not send password in query strings (#585) by @fatalbanana
Add maximum delay to ratelimit module
Backport fix for empty files inclusion from libucl
Fix settings id setup
Add min_learns option to classifiers
Use more clever to utf8 conversion strategy
Fix disabling of virtual symbols in the settings
Rework settings to work properly in metric-less configuration
Set the default limit for classifier
Fix ttl based expiration from LRU cache
Rework DKIM module to use OpenSSL for digests
Fix mailto urls parsing with hyperscan
Do not set obscured flag for urls starting with spaces
Fix crash on redis learn
Fix ratelimit ctime setting