Ionic 2.0.0-beta.5 发布了,Ionic Framework 是个高级的 HTML5 移动端应用框架,是个很漂亮的使用 HTML5 开发混合移动应用前端框架。
Bug 修复:
alert: remove justify content from buttons in an alert (9412a7c)
app: add iOS status bar padding to each mode (5a1c441), closes #5924
build: update the gulpfile nightly to only update the distributed package.json file (c1d82f4)
button: add a category to buttons so they won't get the button styles (35dd0ed), closes #6237
button: buttons don't get activated when ion-label contains exotic elements (0521ce2)
button: remove classes from buttons with categories (5f8edc2)
checkbox: add 'type="button"' to tag (7583ebf)
content: fix padding/margin attributes so all work on scroll-content (9020d52)
cordova: add status bar padding for content for all modes (f45ddf9), closes #5934
cordova: only target navbar section when it has the statusbar-padding (422c983)
input: add 'type="button"' to button tag (f17f517)
input: blur when tapping outside input on iOS (f9b46c2), closes #5020
input: move nested function outside of if statment so as to fix issue related to strict (c8e58e5)
keyboard: remove content padding after input blur (e21c4d5), closes #5800
label: remove flex-basis to fix floating/stacked labels on iOS/Safari (cd62a4c), closes #6109
loading: present loading from root nav controller (f972908), closes #6121
platform: fire cordova platform.ready using zone (ba5624b), closes #6186
platform: run zone after cordova deviceready (e082bd1), closes #6087
sass: move the
font import to the components file (8f08de1), closes #5931sass: remove global imports from components (dad2155), closes #5931
searchbar: only show clear icon when focused on the searchbar (ecf9302), closes #5922
showHideWhen: remove hidden attribute on directives and use classes (5692abe), closes #5836
slides: add id to the slide component to grab the correct pagination (7263728), closes #5745 #5508
tabs: do not init w/ tab that is hidden or disabled (8d8cc4c), closes #6226
tabs: remove tabbarIcons and fix windows styling to use tabbarLayout (81dd1cc), closes #6126
toolbar: add border-top when toolbar is positioned to the bottom (29e6242), closes #5967
app: getActiveNav() method (7777237)
backbutton: add hardware back button (68278b0), closes #5071
changeDetection: detach Tabs when not active (0c4171e)
changeDetection: detach ViewControllers when not active (b282e90)
confg: create a method to access the global app injector which contains references the (17a9e6d), closes #5973
content: add scrollToBottom (bef4a67)
directives: auto provide IONIC_DIRECTIVES to all components (0a83f2f), closes #6092
platform: add backbutton event (156fdc3)
platform: default desktop to use material design (51032d2), closes #6003
select: fallback to alert interface when more than 6 opts (1c67b02)
select: using action-sheet as ion-select interface (81096f1)
slides: add ability to slide to specific index (a6091bd)
slides: add method to get previous index (a54361c)
statusbarPadding: add statusbar-padding css to content (98c2aab)
statusbarPadding: add statusbar-padding css to toolbars (44403d1)
toggle: add animation for windows mode toggle (f841bef), closes #5981